Job Description

I. Responsibilities:

– Developing and executing recruitment plan

+ Collect recruitment needs of the departments, make recruitment plans and submit them to the Director.

+ Post recruitment, receive, select resumes and coordinate with the Head of the department to organize interviews, select suitable candidates according to the plan.

+ Send notifications, draft labor contracts for successful candidates.

+ Prepare reports on the evaluation of recruitment and probationary results and submit them to the Director.

+ Guide and introduce new employees to the Company’s human resource policies and regulations.


– Developing and implementing the training and skill improvement plans

+ Collect training needs and make training plans for each employee periodically and submit them to the Director.

+ Propose the selection of a training institution and directly contact, coordinate and supervise training programs, improve qualifications and skills for employees.

+ Monitor and summarize training results, make evaluation reports on training results and submit them to the Director.


– Operating the salary, bonus and other remuneration systems following the Company’s regulations

+ Summarize working days, calculate salary, bonus and other remuneration regimes for employees and transfer them to the Accounting Department for inspection.

+ Monitor and update the system of changes in salary increase and decrease of employees.

+ Periodically synthesize information, analyze and propose adjustments to salary, bonus and remuneration following the labor market and actual conditions of the Company and submit it to the Director for consideration.

+ Prepare annual salary plan to submit to Director for approval.


– Participating in building and monitoring the management system, evaluating work performance at the units following regulations

+ Participate in building and perfecting the system of management and performance evaluation. Guide and urge the units to implement the management system and evaluate the plan properly.

+ Check and request units to complete forms and documents (if necessary).

+ Summarize the evaluation results of the whole company to submit to the Director.


– Monitoring and solving the social insurance, health insurance, periodical health check, coordinating with the units providing Travel services, periodic Team building for employees

+ Monitor and update data on the increase and decrease of social insurance and health insurance and compare with the social insurance agency monthly.

+ Complete documents and procedures and contact the Social Insurance Agency for employees to participate in and/or enjoy social insurance and health insurance benefits following regulations.

+ Coordinate with medical service providers to conduct periodical health checks for employees.

+ Coordinate with travel service providers, team building according to quarterly and annual plans.


– Monitoring, updating and managing the company’s records and list of employees:

+ Monitor personnel changes. Periodically make statistics, make analysis reports on the use of human resources, and submit them to the Head of Department for consideration and report to the Director.

+ Give directly draft documents on the change of job, salary, reward, sanction, termination of the labor contract.

+ Update, arrange and store employee records following regulations


– Performing other administrative tasks

+ Participate in disseminating regulations, human resources policies and answer questions and related complaints of employees.

+ Participate in and complete required projects, other jobs within the functions and duties as assigned.

+ Comply with the schedule and report the work as prescribed.


– Coordination activities:

+ Internal affairs: Coordinate with relevant employees to handle the work according to the prescribed order and procedures.

+ External relations: Transactions with units, economic organizations, functional agencies to deal with the work related to the part in charge.


– Internal affairs and administration of the department

+ Comply with the Company’s rules, regulations and management regulations

+ Internal solidarity relationship.

+ Attitude to comply with assigned tasks.

+ Manage and use assigned assets, equipment, machinery and documents efficiently, economically, and protect the confidentiality of the information and technological know-how of the Company.


II. Requirements:

– Have a University Degree/ Associate Degree in related fields;

– At least 3 years of experience;

– Experience in real estate is preferred (Operating in the field of design consulting is an advantage)

– Have communication skills, delicate in behavior;

– Organized, versatile, dynamic, responsible and able to work under high pressure;

– Ability to handle internal conflicts, conflicts with customers, analytical mind to handle situations;

– Proficient in computers (Word and Excel)

– Ability to work independently as well as in groups;

– English is an advantage;


III. What we offer:

– Negotiable salary (Fixed salary + % according to KPI)

– Social insurance + health insurance according to Vietnam Labor Law

– Health check once per year

– Company trip at least once per year (Viet Nam or International)

– Paid day-offs and holidays according to Vietnam Labor Law

– Working in a professional, creative and young environment.

– Have a personal development plan.


IV. Working Time – Workplace

1. Time

– Working hours: 8.30 am – 6 pm Monday to Friday and 2 Saturdays/ month

– Siesta: from 12 pm to 1.30 pm

2. Place

4th floor, AZ Sky Tower, Dinh Cong, Hoang Mai, Hanoi



Phone: 024 6686 0006

Mobile: 0969 324 896 (Ms. Linh)


